Thursday, April 8, 2010


there are 2 types of fear. Theres the type that we all know, and have touble with. most of the time, thats called a phobia, no, make that phobiaS, are things that alot of people would just shrug off. im TERRIBLY afriad of Spiders, and cockroaches, and just about ANY other kind of bug. if i see one, well, ill either be out of there, or standing paralized with fear! im also afriad of hieghts, and a bunch of other things!
Then, the fear that cicles around 1 word. Respect.
Think back to when you were around the age of 5. your standing in the kitchen, and there, right above your head, on the counter, is a bag of candy. you know that everyone is in the living room, watching football on the all new fuzzy screened thing called a Television (if your that old! :P) and all you have to do is reach above your head, and grab a peice.
But wait. Somethings holding you back! your eyes race to theother side of the kitchen. there, in a holder thingy, is a wooden spoon. you know what your daddy can do with that, and you know the awesome power he has over you. you flash back to the last time this happened. OUCH. Your feet level, and you walk away.
you had been afraid of the pain, yes, but mostly you we're respecting you daddy's power, and you fear that power. you fear it because you dont yet obtain the power. you cant compare to it.
I experienced that fear while i was in new mexico. we went to the tent rocks, where the rocks are pointed at the top, and we were inside these crevices, and we came across this HUGE rock in the middle of our path. I relized that it must have come from somewhere. i had wanted to climb the rocks, even though it said not to, and after seeing that rock, i really started to respect tent rocks! i also started to respect the people who made these rules, because they were trying to protect me.
our fear of God should be that way too. we should fear God in a respectful way. We know that he created the universe, and he did it with a few words, and he could destroy the whole universe by blinking an eye if he wanted too! also, we can fear God's justice. we could fear it like: im such a sinner, that God is going to send lighting to kill me. or we could say: God has the awesome power to Judge me. wow. and i thought i was the center of everything!
Respect:Deference to a right, privalege, pivalegde position, or someone or something concidered to have certain rights or privledegs.
*thank you*
Deference:respectful submission or yeilding to the judgment, opinion, will etc. of another.

"Each man's life is but a breath"
part of psalm 39:5 NIV

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